People ask me, why am I in business?

I like using this analogy,
Business is like digging a Well, it’s hard work and sometimes looks pointless to just start digging a hole in the ground when you can go to a nearby river, people will look at you like a mad man.

As you keep digging it’s hard hard work and bystanders will discourage you and laugh at you.
As time goes by so does the hole and soon or later you will hit that golden pocket of water and you suddenly become the main source for water.

People will talk about you and the best part is, your family can drink from it for years and years to come.

That is why I’m in business.

— Afterthoughts —

I had posted this to my Facebook and had got over 33 comments and 93 likes, There was a lot of support for what I had said and really backed my analogy.